Environmental Activities

We contribute to protecting the rich environment of
our planet with our cutting-edge technology

Socionext seeks to be a company that contributes to a sustainable low-carbon society in harmony with local communities. Our commitment to addressing global environmental issues together with our customers and society starts with the environmental awareness of each of our employees. We are taking action to reduce GHGs and we disclose information in accordance with the TCFD framework to help achieve decarbonization. Through the development and distribution of energy-saving and space-saving eco-friendly devices and solutions, we help to reduce the environmental impact of our customers' products.

  • Environment Policy
  • Environmentally friendly products
  • Climate Change
  • Reduction in Energy Use
  • ISO14001 certification
  • Environmental activities in the office

Environment Policy

Socionext contributes to the protection of a rich global environment with customer through the design, development, and sale of SoC with superior environmental performance through advanced technology and the solutions business or services centered on these SoC. Socionext makes efforts to reduce the environmental impact and environmental pollution based on the following action policy through the entire life cycle from development to procurement, production, sale, use, and disposal.

(1)Active contribution to reducing the environmental impact, such as reducing CO2 emissions and waste matter, by actively promoting the development of products that consider the environment, electric power conservation, light-weight products, and the suitable management of items containing chemical substances.

(2)Compliance with each country's and each region's environment laws and regulations, and agreements with customers.

(3)Aiming for improved awareness of the environment for all Socionext personnel, and promotion of environmental contributions to regional communities.

(4)Continuous improvement of environmental management system to effectively implement these environmental activities.

Environmentally friendly products

Socionext is pursuing the design and development of products that are environmentally friendly while strictly complying with legal regulations. By developing low-power consumption products and providing products that correspond to the legal and regulatory environment of various countries, we are delivering peace of mind to our customers.

The products of Socionext and the packing and packaging materials comply with the EU REACH regulations *1), EU RoHS directive *2), China RoHS directive *3) and other laws and regulations (excluding exceptions for applying usage prohibition measures).

*1: The regulations in the EU with the purpose of registering, evaluating, authorizing and restricting chemicals (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals)

*2: The directive that prohibits the use of specific hazardous substances in electronic and electrical equipment sold in the EU (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)

*3: The directive that prohibits the use of specific hazardous substances in electronic and electrical equipment sold in the People’s Republic of China (Regulatory ordinance preventing pollution from the production of electronic and information products)

Reduction in Energy Use

Socionext has set a target of a 1% reduction in the five-year average of energy use in its operations (stretch target as defined in the Energy Efficiency Act*1).

FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Amount of energy use
3,665 3,817 3,356 2,761 2,098
Usage rate
[KL/No. of employees]
1.661 1.721 1.529 1.260 0.962
Change year-on-year [%] 4.3 -0.1 1.8 5.7 9.8

Main energy reduction measures: Use of LED lighting, efficiency improvements at the Computer Center

*1: The Act on Rationalizing Energy Use and Shifting to Non-fossil Energy (Energy Efficiency Act)
*2: Energy use is the total energy used by facilities in Japan covered by the Energy Efficiency Act

ISO14001 certification

ISO14001 is an international standard for environmental management system (EMS), outlined with the aim of improving environmental performance of an organization. Socionext is continuing its activities to reduce impacts to the environment based on the requirements of ISO14001.

Environmental activities in the office

Introducing the environmental activities of Socionext's office.

Change of lighting equipment

Change lighting equipment from fluorescent lights to LEDs.

Waste disposal

We separate waste and promote recycling.
And we also treat industrial waste properly.

Collect PET bottle cap

Socionext participates in the Eco-cap movement.

Recycling PET bottle caps

We donate sales of PET bottle caps to provide vaccines to developing countries.

Regular community cleaning

Each Socionext office carries out regular community cleanups.