Internal Control

Internal Control

●Development and Operation status of Internal Control System

The Group's status of development and operation of internal control system is outlined below.

Basic Policy on the Development of Internal Control Systems

Enforcement of the Companies Act, the Company shall establish an internal control system for a corporate group consisting of the Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as "the Group") in order to ensure the appropriateness of business operations

Overview of status of development
and operation

An outline of the operational status of the system to ensure the appropriateness of business operations during the fiscal year under review is as follows.

(1)Systems to ensure that the execution of the duties by Directors and employees complies with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation


[1]The Company shall be committed to promoting compliance, including compliance with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation, by establishing internal rules, such as the CSR Policy and compliance codes, and making officers and employees of the Group fully understand and comply with them.

[2]The Company shall clarify laws and regulations pertaining to business activities of the Group, establish internal rules necessary for compliance with them, conduct education, and develop a monitoring system.

[3]If an officer or employee of the Group becomes aware of any facts that may constitute a material breach of compliance in connection with the conduct of business activities of the Group, he or she shall immediately notify the Board of Directors and Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company of such fact through the normal line of business.

[4]In order to enable early detection of compliance issues, the Company shall set up internal and external contact points for whistleblowing from officers and employees of the Group, while ensuring the system to protect whistleblowers.

[5]The Board of Directors of the Company shall receive regular reports on the execution of duties from the person performing the duties in the Group and shall confirm that there is no non-compliance in the execution of duties.

[6]The Company shall conduct an internal audit in order to confirm the status of business execution in the Group, ensure compliance with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation, etc. and make improvements in operational efficiency.

[7]The Group shall take a firm stand against antisocial forces, have no relationship with them and deal with them systematically in coordination with external professional organizations.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

We strive to comply with laws and regulations by ensuring that all officers and employees are fully aware of our basic philosophy, value, Action Guidelines, the CSR Policy and compliance codes.

Specifically, we are strengthening our compliance system by appointing a Risk Compliance Officer for each division under the Risk and Compliance Committee.

We use e-learning to provide all officers and employees with various types of compliance education, including matters related to the prevention of insider trading, information security, prevention of harassment and procurement transactions.

The Group's officers and employees who become aware of potential non-compliance issues should report them to the line manager, and the details should be reported to the Board of Directors and the Audit & Supervisory Committee.

We are developing and expanding our global Whistleblowing System and make the rules for the usage known. In addition, we pursue the prohibition of adverse treatment or retaliation against the whistleblower as well as the protection of the whistleblower.

The Board of Directors of the Company receives regular reports on the execution of duties from the person performing the duties in the Group and confirms that there is no non-compliance in the execution of duties.

The Company conducts an internal audit by the Audit Department in order to confirm the status of business execution in the Group, ensures compliance with laws and regulations and the Articles of Incorporation, etc. and makes improvements in operational efficiency.

In order to prevent transactions with anti-social forces, we check the appropriateness of transactions as an essential response in our business processes.

(2)Systems under which information regarding execution of duties by Directors shall be retained and managed


[1]The Company shall properly store and manage documents related to the execution of duties by Directors and other important information in accordance with the Important Document Management Regulations, after appointing a person in charge of retention.

[2]The Company shall establish a system in which Directors have access at all times to documents to confirm the status of the execution of their duties.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

In accordance with the Important Document Management Regulations, minutes of general meetings of shareholders, minutes of meetings of the Board of Directors, minutes of meetings of Management Committee and the approval documents, etc., as the Company's important documents and information, are properly stored and managed with a person responsible for the storage and the method of storage specified.

The Company has established a system in which Directors can view documents to confirm the status of execution of duties at all times.

(3)Regulations and other systems for the risk management of loss


[1]The Company shall establish a risk management system in accordance with the Risk Management Code. Risk management for overall management shall be conducted by the Management Committee, and risk management for disasters/accidents, compliance, information security, etc. shall be conducted by the Risk and Compliance Committee.

[2]The Company shall systematically and continuously extract and evaluate risks that could cause losses to the Group, appoint an officer for each extracted risk item to clarify a system of responsibility, and formulate and implement measures. In addition, when risks materialize, the Company shall take necessary measures to minimize losses arising.

[3]Based on the Business Continuity Plan (BCP)/Business Continuity Management (BCM) Code, the Company shall clarify a system of responsibility, prepare for a contingency such as disasters in the Group and its business partners, and conduct activities to ensure business continuity of the Group.

[4]In accordance with the Information Security Code, the Company shall clarify a system of responsibility and implement specific measures for the Group's information security.

[5]The Company shall regularly report to the Board of Directors on the status of the Group's risk management activities.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

In addition to the Board of Directors Regulations and the Management Committee Regulations, the Company has established the Risk Management Code and has developed a global risk management system.

We have established a risk management process and regularly have a company-wide risk review conducted by the Management Committee. Through this process, we ascertain information on the latest risk status, appoint an officer for each risk, develop measures and countermeasures against risks, and check on the progress thereof.

The Risk and Compliance Committee reports information security incidents and cyber security and confirms the progress of countermeasures, and checks whether any violations of laws or regulations have occurred.

As part of the BCP/BCM initiative, we continuously engage in activities such as developing manuals and conducting BCP drills based on our policies during normal times. During the fiscal year under review, we conducted a drill in anticipation of a large-scale disaster, and reviewed the manual based on the issues raised there.

The Information Security Promotion Office was established to further strengthen the information security system. In addition to promoting the development of information security rules throughout the Group, various information security measures were implemented, including the introduction of multi-factor authentication, information security training for officers, and drills for targeted e-mail attacks.

The activities of the Management Committee and the Risk and Compliance Committee are regularly and occasionally reported to the Board of Directors.

(4)Systems to ensure efficient execution of duties by Directors


[1]The Company shall separate the supervisory function from the executive function of management, and the Board of Directors of the Company shall determine basic management policies and important business execution etc., and supervise executive function. The Company shall introduce an executive officer system, and CEO and executive officers are responsible for the executive functions of the business. In addition, the Management Committee shall be established to efficiently conduct multifaceted reviews in the executive function, and it deliberates and decides on important matters related to management strategy and business execution.

[2]The Company shall clarify the duties of the Group's officers and employees and the reporting obligations of its subsidiary officers and employees to the Company in accordance with the Socionext Group Approval Authority and the Affiliate Management Regulations and the Regulations on Organization and Separation of Duties.

[3]The Company shall establish a system for the efficient and lawful conduct of the Group's business by establishing the business process fundamentals for the business.

[4]The Company shall continuously promote the development of internal control systems and the reform of business processes in the Group.

[5]The Company shall disseminate its management policy throughout the Group and formulate a business plan in March of each year that includes the next fiscal year and beyond. At monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, the Company shall monitor and supervise the achievement of management objectives by reporting on financial results and the status of business execution.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

Directors make important management decisions promptly at the Board of Directors meetings and supervise the execution of duties. In addition, among the agenda presented to the Board of Directors meetings, important management issues are discussed and reviewed in advance by the Management Committee to enhance deliberations. In addition, through the introduction of the executive officer system, the Company endeavors to accelerate business execution.

Specifically, we are improving efficiency in the execution of duties by Directors through the following management, etc.

By clarifying the business model and the business areas of Solution SoC and promoting a business transformation and shift of resources to growth areas, we are focusing on large-scale global business opportunities and development for business expansion and growth.

To enable efficient and quick development, we are promoting visualization of development resources and building a system that enables timely resource assignment.

We have been building and strengthening a structure for execution of duties as a listed company, including enhancement of public relations and investor relations functions and stock-related legal functions. In addition, the ESG Promotion Office was established to promote the construction, execution and disclosure of ESG-related business processes required internally and externally.

In accordance with the Management Committee Regulations and the Socionext Group Approval Authority and the Affiliate Management Regulations, important matters relating to the business activities of the Group are set forth and administered as matters to be approved by and reported to the Management Committee. In addition, presidents of the Group Company make monthly business reports to the Management Committee members, etc.

In the Group Company, the Company o・ツers and employees are assigned to serve as officers of the Group Company to strengthen guidance, support and supervision on the development of operational systems. In addition, we establish the codes applicable to the entire Group Company to strengthen the management system of the Group Company.

The Company establishes a system for the efficient and lawful conduct of the Group's business by establishing the business process fundamentals for the business. In addition, we conduct internal audits of business processes and take corrective actions as necessary, while continuously improving the processes.

The Internal Audit Department conducts internal audits of the Group as a whole to ensure that the Group is performing its duties in accordance with the Socionext Group Approval Authority and the Affiliate Management Regulations and the rules of business processes.

The Group formulates a business plan in March every year that includes the following fiscal year and years beyond. In addition to quarterly management, the Group strives to manage management indicators and targets over the course of multiple fiscal years. Under this structure, we strive to confirm the feasibility of design wins and sales plans, promote comprehensive cost and gross margin improvements, upgrade our market strategy and check the validity of up-front development investments when it comes to design wins and lead generation, globalize and improve the efficiency of SCM, and globalize and improve the efficiency of corporate operations, while at the same time building and strengthening the IT infrastructure that supports our business activities. The status of these initiatives is reported to the Board of Directors monthly.

(5)Matters relating to Socionext Personnel assisting with the duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee, matters relating to the independence of such personnel from Directors, and matters relating to ensuring the effectiveness of directions given to such personnel


[1]The Company shall have Socionext Personnel to assist with the duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company and shall assign appropriate personnel with the abilities and knowledge required by the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company.

[2]In order to ensure the independence of the Socionext Personnel referred to in the preceding item and the effectiveness of directions given to such Socionext Personnel by the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company, the Company shall obtain the consent of the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company with respect to matters relating to personnel, such as appointment, transfer and compensation of such Socionext Personnel.

[3]In principle, the Company shall not allow the Socionext Personnel described in [1] above to serve concurrently with any other organizations. However, when it becomes necessary to have the Socionext Personnel with special expertise concurrently serve at the request of the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company, consideration shall be given to ensuring the independence set forth in the preceding paragraph.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

The Company has established an Audit & Supervisory Committee Secretariat to support the duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee and assigns appropriate personnel.

The Company obtains the consent of the Audit & Supervisory Committee with respect to appointment, transfer and compensation of such personnel assisting with the Audit & Supervisory Committee.

Audit & Supervisory Committee Secretariat is a full-time system and has no concurrent staff.

(6)System for reporting to the Audit & Supervisory Committee


[1]Officers and employees of the Group shall periodically report the performance of their duties to the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company and provide Audit & Supervisory Committee members with opportunities to attend important meetings.

[2]fficers and employees of the Group shall immediately report to the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company when a risk affecting their management or performance occurs or when they become aware of a fact that constitutes a material breach of compliance with respect to the conduct of their business activities.

[3]The Group shall not treat any officers or employees unfavorably for the reason of making a report under the preceding two items.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

The Audit & Supervisory Committee receives reports on the status of the execution of duties from the CEO and executive officers, etc. on a regular and occasional basis. In addition, the Audit & Supervisory Committee Members attend important meetings such as the Board of Directors, the Management Committee, and meetings for performance reporting, and conduct investigations and interviews with each division and exchange opinions with Directors of the Company.

Officers and employees of the Group immediately report to the Audit && Supervisory Committee of the Company when a risk affecting their management or performance occurs or when they become aware of a fact that constitutes a material breach of compliance with respect to the conduct of their business activities.

The Group does not treat its officers and employees who report to the Audit & Supervisory Committee unfavorably for the reason of having made a report under the preceding two items.

(7)Other Systems for Ensuring Effectiveness of Audit by the Audit & Supervisory Committee


[1]Officers and employees of the Group shall exchange information with the Audit & Supervisory Committee upon request from the Audit & Supervisory Committee.

[2]The Audit Department shall regularly report the status and results of audits to the Audit & Supervisory Committee. The Audit & Supervisory Committee may give instructions to the Audit Department as necessary.

[3]The Audit & Supervisory Committee shall receive reports from accounting auditors on plans and results of accounting audits from time to time, and periodically exchange information with accounting auditors.

[4]Expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of the Audit & Supervisory Committee of the Company shall be in accordance with Article 399-2, Paragraph 4 of the Companies Act, and the Company shall establish procedures for the requests in the same paragraph.

[Overview of status of development and operation]

Officers and employees of the Group exchange information with the Audit & Supervisory Committee upon request from the Audit & Supervisory Committee.

The Audit & Supervisory Committee works closely with the Internal Audit Department, which is the internal audit division, to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of audits by exchanging information and opinions with each other on a regular basis and when necessary.

he Audit & Supervisory Committee receives periodic and occasional reports from accounting auditors and exchanges information and opinions.

Expenses of the Audit & Supervisory Committee are properly settled in response to requests from Audit & Supervisory Committee Members.